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I love to read, write and teach about the things of our great God. I've listed my books below:

Anchor 1

The Death of Death in the Death of Christ

John Owen

Modern English Version

Bob Beasley, Editor


Even in today’s English, The Death of Death is not an easy read. I recommend that you have your Bible handy, as Owen refers to so many Scripture texts to verify his words. This is a book that cannot be read quickly or without much deep, prayerful thought and study. But it is a book that will greatly enhance your assurance of salvation, give you a deep and encouraging view of God’s Word, and bring honor and glory to the God who is in the business of saving His people from all their sin and misery. I pray that those who read it will be blessed with the truth of Christ’s atoning work for His beloved Church, knowing that His precious blood actually saved us from our sins, and didn’t merely offer the possibility.

Available now as an eBook

and as a paperback at

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Anchor 2

Proverbs 3:5&6:

The Distilled Essence of the Christian Life



My wife, Amy, and I recently attended a conference in Dallas, Texas, and had dinner one night with a friend who is a professor at a Christian college. I mentioned that I was writing a book on Proverbs 3:5&6 and he responded, “That’s my life verse!” Why is that true for so many Christians? This little volume seeks to answer that question. May God bless you richly as you grow to bring honor and glory to our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, trusting Him with all of your heart, leaning not on your own understanding, acknowledging Him in all your ways, and walking on the solid and straight path of His righteousness.


That’s the distilled essence of our lives in Christ.


Available now as an eBook

and as a paperback at

Anchor 3

Loving King Jesus: The Joyous Freedom of Obedience

ISBN: 978-098909223-4 Publication Date: December 2015


Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” 


When God’s Spirit regenerates a believer and gives us faith in Christ, He puts a “want to” in our hearts to follow Jesus. Then, Christ’s commands put a “how to” in our minds to follow Him. All of God’s commandments are but reflections of His righteous and holy image. Jesus compared His commandments to a “yoke” in Matthew 11:30, where He said, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Yokes placed on the backs and necks of horses or cattle actually help them pull together to make their burden lighter. An “easy” yoke is one that makes work light. And Jesus’s yoke is light because while He supply the desire through the Spirit’s leading, He also supplies the strength. Jesus’s yoke brings joy to the redeemed soul who longs to serve His Lord  and others. We must pick up our cross daily, but it’s Jesus who really does the heavy lifting.

The topical format found in this Bible study can help us to focus in on specific areas of Christian morality in a profound way. The force of a topical study of any kind is dramatic, but to study Christ’s commands and those of His apostles in this format is extremely powerful. 


Available now at as an eBook

and as a paperback at

Anchor 4
The Jewish Wars

ISBN-978-0-9890922-2-7 Publication Date of Paperback: Mid-February 2015.


An eyewitness account of one of the most significant events in world history, The Jewish Wars describes the destruction of Jerusalem and the Hebrew Temple in 70 AD. The history was written by the soldier/historian Flavius Josephus around 94 AD. It has been translated into English many times, the most popular over the last centuries being William Whiston's 1737 translation from the Greek. That translation is in the public domain. The problem is that its English is antiquated and very difficult for the modern reader to understand. The sentences are long and complex, and the referents of the strings of pronouns are difficult to decifer. This is why I took nine months to paraphrase the 300 year old translation into modern English. For more of why The Jewish Wars is one of the most fascinating books ever written, go to


Available as a Kindle book from and as a paperback from Amazon and bookstores and online sites everywhere.

"Josephus is so important and interesting as both history-maker and historian that it is a shame that his vivid account of the Jewish struggles against Rome and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem has only been available in antiquated English.  Bob's modern-English rendering of Josephus will enable many readers to enter the first century through his eyes and experience in a new way the fascinating and horrifying events that he records."


 Dr. Robert Godfrey, President and Professor of Church History

at Westminster Theological Seminary in California 

Anchor 5
The Life of Flavius Josephus

Publication Date: November 2014.​


Josephus's autobiography is a good introduction to his larger works. I have taken the 1737 William Whiston translation and rephrased it into modern English. Some overlap with The Jewish Wars does occur, but most is new to this short volume. Born a Jew of the priestly class in 37 AD, Josephus led a most fascinating life. As the commanding officer of the Jewish troops in Galilee, he spearheaded the development of city fortifications in anticipation of the Roman army invasion under Vespasian. When they finally came, he took command of the defenses. Later captured by the Romans, Josephus watched as Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed. He spent the end of his life as an historian as a Roman guest of Emperors Vespasian, Titus, and Diocletian. For more on his life, visit


Available only as a $0.99 eBook from Amazon. Soon to be published

in Nook and other formats.  

Anchor 6
101 Portraits of Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures

ISBN-978-0-9799731-4-7 Publication Date: November 2008.


Following His resurrection, Jesus appeared to some men walking along the road to Emmaus. After a short conversation we have these words from Luke: "And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, [Jesus} explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself" (Luke 24:27). In 101 easy-to-access chapters, Bob has opened up the Old Testament for us in a new and powerful way. 101 Portraits of Jesus scans Genesis to Malachi in a survey of the many types, foreshadowings, specific prophesies, mighty works, and pre-incarnate appearances of our Lord and Savior--Jesus Christ. Solidly biblical in character, 101 Portraits of Jesus will deepen your understanding of and love for the entire Bible. Visit for more.


Available as an eBook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, other websites, and in paperback from Amazon.

Anchor 7
The Wisdom of Proverbs: An Essential Guide

ISBN-58-2459886032524 (Original publication date: 1999, this edition October 2014)


Like hard candy, the book of Proverbs needs to be savored long after the first taste. The Wisdom of Proverbs provides that opportunity in a daily devotional format that is easy to read and full of godly spiritual guidance. This unique volume also includes biblical examples of those who followed or ignored the teachings of Proverbs, providing you with real-life application for each principle. Perfect for pastors of Bible students. The Wisdom of Proverbs is useful for any lay person interested in a complete study of all of the Proverbs.


Available as an eBook (the 1999 edition) and as a paperback from Amazon.

Anchor 8
Wisdom for Women

ISBN-978-1-885358318 Publication Date: 1998.


Who is the Proverbs 31 woman and why is she so important? Wisdom for Women, a daily devotional and study guide, provides Christian women with an in-depth look at her beautiful example of godly womanhood. As each characteristic of this biblical model is examined, today's women of God will find inspiration and encouragement for their own Christian lives. Written with my wife, Amy.


Currently out of print. Available only used from in paperback.

Anchor 9
Proverbs for Promise Keeping

ISBN-978-1-81885358219 Publication Date: November 1996.


Drawing from the wisdom of Proverbs, this daily devotional and Bible study guide will assist the man of God to grow in his Christian maturity, in his relationship with Christ, and in all aspects of his daily walk. Proverbs for Promise Keeping will help today's Christian men strengthen their devotion to Christ through prayer, worship, and faithfulness.


"Proverbs for Promise Keeping provides the 'ongoing workout' that all of us need to sustain the seven wonderful promises many men are making." Gene Getz


Now out of print. Paperback used copies are available at

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