Bob Beasley
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
John Owen
Modern English Version
Bob Beasley, Editor
This 1683 classic by the Puritan John Owen has been edited into today's English for easier access. Invoking the Holy Scriptures at every turn, Owen addresses the Arminian universalist fallacies that were condemned at the Council of Dort in 1619, as he argues for the biblical teaching of sovereign grace alone in salvation. The Father's election of His people from all eternity was fully accomplished by Christ's shed blood, and then applied in time to God’s people by the Holy Spirit in regeneration. A Christian’s salvation by faith alone is entirely the gift of God.
“The Death of Death in the Death of Christ” remains a somewhat difficult book, tightly and carefully argued from God’s Word. Beasley's edited version will give access to many who have shied away from the ancient language, syntax, and long, complex sentences of Owen's 17th century work. The central payoff for every Christian is in the absolute assurance that their salvation has been ordained, accomplished, and applied by the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
“Arminianism is “natural” in one sense, in that it represents a characteristic perversion of biblical teaching by the fallen mind of man, who even in salvation cannot bear to renounce the delusion of being master of his fate and captain of his soul.” Dr. J.I. Packer“